How to help students be inquisitive?

Gone are the days when asking the question was thought as odd. Now teachers and students both are working their way out in asking the question regardless of the logic. This is because the question might be illogical for elder people, but for students, they are just age appropriate.

When a student asks a question, then it means that they are thinking which is essential for learning and development. In other words, asking the question is the way for a student to grow in an effective manner and that is when the actual purpose of schooling and education is fulfilled.

Teachers have to be encouraging so that students are able to ask without any hesitation and explore their mental capacity. Different teachers across the globe, such as the best British schools in Dubai use different strategies for students to help them be great at asking the question because this is how the future generations become creative and critical thinkers.

How to help students be inquisitive

Ways to help students ask more questions:

If you want the next generations to use your mind, then you need to actually give them a free hand for asking a lot of questions. The questions are the beginning of learning, and the culture of inquiry in schools will foster that idea.  

Students are with teachers throughout the day, so if they do not learn it from class, then they will not be able to practice at home. There are different strategies which teaching staff can use to help students be more inquisitive:

Do not reject any question:

Regardless of the standard of students, you are dealing with gives them the freedom to question anything and everything. As long as the questions are not disrespectful students should be able to ask any question. This will provide them with an opportunity to analyze anything, and the thought process will stand.

Ask if anyone has questions:

Before you start the next day lecture; at that time, it is essential for the teachers to ask out loud if anyone have any questions, please go ahead and ask. This is the opportunity for students to stop being reluctant and also a culture of inquiry.

Provide feedback on questions:

The inquisitive habit can be improved if there is proper feedback provided to the students on the ways to ask effective questions. The feedback does not have to be negative and rejecting everything they have been practicing. Instead, the teacher can say "the way you are asking this is good, but if you ask like this, then it will be a great improvement." In this way, students will try to implement the feedback effectively.

Final words:

Asking question is seen as an essential thing which can help students be good at learning and development. Teachers are the core of the learning process, and international schools such as the best British schools in Dubai are putting efforts to help the student to help students be more curious. The focus of education is not about grades, but it is more about the retention, and the learning-Asking question is the way to do that!


Effective ways to teach young learners punctuality

Tips to Teach Generosity to Your Kids

4 Creative Ways to Teach School Children

Effective ways to teach young learners punctuality

Punctuality or being on time remains the most underrated attribute in individuals. Although often underestimated, it remains one of the most valuable attributes in individuals.

Understanding the need for punctuality in the future, schools want to start teaching this trait to young students. Schools in the UAE are also constantly developing ways to increase the punctuality of students as missing even a little time at the start of the lesson out them far behind everyone in the classroom.

Whether its academic learning or the learning of essential life skills, effective teaching methodologies, and competent teachers contribute significantly towards the right learning. Opt for the best UK curriculum schools in Dubai to provide essential learning for your young learners.



The article highlights how young learners may be taught how to be punctual.

How to teach young learners to be punctual 

 From using stories to make children understand the importance of punctuality and time management to introducing essential learning tools in the classroom and fortifying learning through practice, there are a number of ways to inculcate punctuality in children. Read on to know how punctuality can be encouraged in classrooms:

 Assign time-based chores    

 As is the case with quizzes and tests, it's important to assign time-based class assignments to students. In doing, so children realize the importance of managing their time according to the assignments. In addition, they also learn that the assignments need to be returned on time.

Children who return their assignments on time should be rewarded for their efforts. However, students who fail to comply with the dead line should not be punished, but be guided how they could have easily managed their work to end on time!

 Teach them through lessons

 It’s important to teach children how being late may affect their actions. Arriving five minutes late to school, waking up ten minutes late in the morning, taking too long in the lunch break and ending up two minutes late to class, all have their serious consequences which the students must experience to understand completely.

It’s important for parents and teachers to work together to achieve this. By planning faux activities to teach children the importance of being on time, ensure that the student understands why they shouldn’t get late the next time.

Using the right tools

 Since your learner will be studying how to read time, it's essential to link the learning of punctuality with the lessons to ensure double the learning. Creating calendars and timetables in the classroom and using them time and again to complete different tasks, and referring to the hands of the clock to indicate the ending and starting of tasks can also create a sense of punctuality in student.

Include stories of punctuality

Best thing about young learners is how stories can be used to teach them important life lessons. Select stories about punctuality and time management and make time for them in classrooms so that the children can ask questions and learn why punctuality remains an essential life skill for not only children but people of all ages.

Take away

It’s not just academics that the schools can help develop and learn. School curriculum and competent teaching methodologies also ensure that children learn important life skills and practice them in an attempt to create successful individuals in the future.

Opt for the best UK curriculum schools Dubai to provide children an environment that is focused on providing not only the best education but also in passing on essential life skills to the young learners!

How to help your child deal with phobias?

If your child has been having a nightmare or stressing out of the water, then they are having some sort of phobia. Often a child might be having irrational fears and at times just in their head that something is bothering them.

Before you can even think it can become a lifelong fear and you do not want that to happen to your child. It is essential for parents and teachers to help them overcome those fears instead of panicking or fostering those fears. Teachers from different schools such as those in UK curriculum schools in Dubai embed the activities in school which will assist students in handling the phobias like a pro.

On the other hand, parents can help children significantly to overcome their irrational fears. This article is going to share some tips which both parents and teachers can effectively use.

UK curriculum schools in Dubai

Ways to assist your child deal with their fears:

When your child is having a phobia, then the parents and teachers will only understand with observation. The fears are developed because of the feelings which are attached to the incident. In a general scenario, children will have a different expression when they are exposed to those situations.

Following are some ways you can reduce the intensity of fears among children:

Do not panic:

Parents and teachers need to stay calm when they know that the child has the phobia. It might seem irrational in your point of view, but it is definitely rational in the eyes of the child. It can just be believing that monsters reside under the bed or just the dog passing by.

Have an empathetic and understanding first reaction to the fears of children instead of being anxious and apprehensive of what will happen next.

Expose them bit by bit:

Teachers in schools and parents at home should not force the child to face their fear right away. It will strengthen the idea that the particular element is dangerous. Instead, the best strategy is to introduce the elements bit by bit like first expose them for few seconds and increase the duration.

What this strategy will do is increase their capability to face things slowly. For example, if the child has a phobia of water then start with a few seconds of exposure to water and then increase that.

Positive encouragement:

If the child is not getting close to the fear on the first day of trial, then you do not have to panic. Instead, you have to be positive about the fact that they are ready to face it. Phobias cannot be overcome easily; instead, it requires a lot of moral and physical support to deal with it. Thus parents and children should be mindful of inducing positive encouragement and support so that children are also taking positively. In other words, parents and teachers have to be a role model in that context.

Concluding remarks:

Children will have fear one way or the other so the parents and teachers should be able to deal with great patience. Schools are putting their efforts such as UK curriculum schools in Dubai to support and encourage the children to face their phobias in an effective manner.



Tips to Teach Generosity to Your Kids

Generosity is one of the essential traits in children. It helps to raise happier, kind, and unselfish minors. The reason is a child can only be generous when he stops thinking about himself only.

With understanding and empathy, nurtures generosity which is a must to raise happier kids. It is because the more you give, the more you get! Meaning, the trait is also important if you want your children to achieve peace of mind in life.

Read on to know about easy tips to teach kindness to your juniors.

British primary schools in Dubai

Role of schools in teaching Generosity

Encourage your children to be generous with their friends, sibling, classmates, and others. One of the best ways to foster generosity is to enroll your children in good schools.

It’s because children spend at least five to seven hours a day at school. They learn there and apply what they observe in the classroom. If the teachers are generous with the kids, students will also learn the skill, subconsciously.

So, opt for the best British primary schools in Dubai to ensure your generations learn good deeds and different skills, such as generosity. UK school systems are reputed for inculcating lifelong skills in pupils.

Ways to Impart Generosity in Children

If your younger lot to be happier and more satisfied, teach them generosity. The skill also helps to improve your relationships with others. It also helps to make children stronger and more powerful mentally in life.

Check out some of the ways to impart generosity in your younger lot.

Encourage Sharing

Many children dislike sharing their personal stuff with others. It is a bad habit. So, no matter, home or school, always motivate your kids to share their stuff (like food, pencils, papers etcetera) with their friends. It is one of the easiest ways to teach the skill.

Set Examples

If you want your minors to learn open-handedness, put your example in front of them. The reason is children follow the footprints of their adults. So, try to teach them through your example. An excellent tip to do this is to give them generously whenever they ask you for something.

Take Teachers Support

After parents, children follow the examples of their teachers. They carefully observe their teachers and mimic their attitudes. Therefore, it’s highly crucial to select your child’s educators carefully.

Opt for the best British primary schools in Dubai to make sure your kids get the best teachers and the right study environment. It’s because the UK education system is based on the concept to teach life-long skills in students.

The system encourages sharing and offers complete support to the parents in all aspects. Meaning, the study environment in British schools is the ideal for raising your children.

Bottom Line

Generosity is an essential life skill that helps to ensure happiness and satisfaction. You can impart this skill in your younger lot using different tips given above.

For example, you should encourage children to share their belongings with their friends and set footprints for them to follow etc. Also, don’t forget to choose the right education system that is based on life-long learning skills.

“That's what I consider true generosity: You give your all and yet you always feel as if it costs you nothing.” —Simone de Beauvoir


Essential tips to deal with emotional kids in classrooms

The classrooms are becoming more diverse, and there are so many different types of personalities which the teachers and management have to deal with on a daily basis. Students in young age might have difficulty in controlling their behavior which is also known as emotional and behavioral disorders. These students might not be able to focus on classroom activities because they do not have impulse control and will lack emotional balance.

Best British schools in Dubai

Peers might also alienate these students because they are not able to carry out the interactions properly. Teachers might think of it as something challenging, but they have to work on it to maintain a classroom environment.  Students should feel welcomes in class and be able to keep the warmth in the classroom. Different schools across the globe such as the best British schools in Dubai provide training and workshops on devising strategies to deal with students who have emotional disorders. 

This article is going to share some insight on the tips to deal with emotional kids during the classroom time.

Easy tips for handling emotional kids in classrooms:

When you are having a diverse group of students in the class then only finishing the syllabus is not the only thing you need to focus on. Instead, you need to keep in mind the classroom management includes keeping students sane and interaction among peers. In other words, fostering positive classroom environment is the goal of classroom management.

Following are some tips which the teachers can use to calm the nerves of the kids with emotional and behavioral disorders:

Set simple and clear classroom rules:

The first thing to manage anyone in the classroom is that you make a prior understanding of rules and regulations. This will help students know their boundaries and also act in the way which falls under the simple rules. You need to keep regulations simple, so they are easy to abide by. The complicated rules are not easy to understand, and also children might not be able to follow them to the T. The rules should be posted in the classroom as well to be a constant reminder.

Appreciate positive behaviors:

Motivation is related to appreciation so when you want students to behave a certain way. But they will be happily doing that if they know, they will be rewarded at the end. Thus in class, make it a point to appreciate the efforts and also reward them once in a while for behaving well. This will be a sheet motivation for them to keep on behaving like that so the teachers can be happy. The positivity has a long way to go in the classroom and leave a great impact.

Avoid biasness:

The last essential element to deal with emotional kids is that you need to stay away from any sort of discrimination or biases. The children with this disorder are sensitive and will not be able to handle preferences. Thus when you are saying or doing anything in class make sure that intentionally or unintentionally you are creating any sense of biasness.

Final words:

Kids with emotional disorders can be hard to deal with, but you have to make an effort to do so. Teachers at different schools such as those in the best British schools in Dubai believe that with simple tricks students can be handled because all they want is genuine attention.


4 Creative Ways to Teach School Children

Handling a class of ten or twenty is a challenge for teachers. The reason is every child is different – his needs and learning style is different. So, capturing attention and leaving a lasting impression on the minds of multiple students become tough.

Sometimes, conveying a simple idea to a group of students becomes tough. No matter, which technique seem more suitable, ambiguity stays on the students’ minds. So, it becomes essential to use creative ways to teach your pupil.

It is because school children welcome creativity and innovation. They like teachers who use out-of-the-box ways of teaching. Creativity can make even a boring lesson, exciting and fun to learn.

4 Creative Ways to Teach School Children

Therefore, UAE parents usually prefer schools where these teaching methodologies are implemented. As parents, you can also enroll your kids to schools that apply creativity and unique methods of teaching. For instance, choose Best British schools in Dubai as these schools rank high in the country.

4 Creative Ways to Teach School Children

Applying creative methods of teaching makes learning a jam-packed fun experience for students. They take more interest in the lesson and understanding also becomes easier. Here are the top 4 creative ways you can use in the classroom:

Show Videos and Images

Video teaching has gained popularity in today’s world. More and more schools have installed screens in different classes for video learning. It is a great way for visual and other types of learners. The reason is converting your lesson into a video makes it more catchy and easier to understand for the whole class. Besides, it increases the chances of lesson retention.

So, you can show a movie clip, an academic skit or short play to the kids. It should not be too long to make half of the class sleep. Keep it shorter than two hours!

Use Drawing and Sketching

Young children love playing with colors and make drawings. Converting your geographic or history lesson into a colorful illustration can help grab your pupils’ interest. You can use a whiteboard or charts to show your pictures. However, if you want to enhance class participation, give each child a paper and colors to draw what you tell/show them.

For secondary school children, you may also use oil paints and watercolors. But pencil colors, markers, and crayons are good if you are teaching a primary class. Keep your time slot in mind because drawing lessons usually take longer time. It means use colors and drawing lessons only when you have enough time.

Tell a Story

Children enjoy stories more than they read textbook lessons. So, transform your boring textbook lesson into an exciting story to share with your class. Children will not only enjoy listening to it but also remember it for a long time.

To add more color to this technique, you may use costumes and props for entertainment. It will take your students into a new world of imagination and fantasy.

Start a Class Activity

An innovative activity can excite your students and maximize their participation. For instance, you can ask riddles in the classroom to teach mathematics or use icebreakers to refresh the minds of your snoring class.

Moreover, changing the venue for teaching is also an enjoyable activity. When your class gets bored inside a square room, you can take them out in the lawn for teaching biology lessons.

Bottom Line

Innovation and creativity lie at the core of teaching. They keep students excited about learning new concepts. They also help to improve pupils’ overall performance.

Therefore, schools encouraging out-of-the-box ways of teaching are doing a great job. They are genuinely contributing to children’s bright future. When selecting a school, enroll your child to the Best British schools in Dubai as they promise high academic performance, lifelong learning, and creativity.


Helpful tips to engage your early-year, visual learner!

If you’ve ever come across learners who make it a point to write down any new words they learn or those who are more responsive when they come across visual stimuli, you’ve experienced visual learners first hand!

 Although learning is considered a one track methodology, there are many different types of learners!  Of course, one teaching methodology may not be suitable for everyone, so it’s up to teachers, schools and parents to ensure that the differential learning requirements of children are met.

Early-year visual learners in the classroom may need a little assistance when learning. So, opt for the right learning environment at home, and the best British primary school in Dubai and your child is sure to get the attention they need. The article below highlights how you need to work with visual learners to help them learn.

Helpful tips to engage your early-year, visual learner

How to engage your visual learners in the classroom

The traditional, words and long sentences may not help out when you’re teaching visual learners in your primary classroom. It's not that they don’t understand what's written, it's just that they have different learning requirements just like any other child. Where some students learn better through writing, visual learners learn easily through visuals! Read on to discover how you can help them learn:

Attributes of visual learners:

  • Remember what they see but forget what they hear
  • Enjoy puzzles, board games, crafts
  • Very imaginative individuals and innovative when it comes to problem-solving
  • Learn spellings after writing the words down

 Tips to teach a visual learner:

Use the tips below to teach your visual learner:

Use flashcards

It’s harder for visual learners to grab a concept if it's taught using flashcards.  Since flash cards are versatile teaching tools, there’s a lot that can be done using them!  New vocabulary, knowledge design or reviews, a lot can be learnt by flashing a flash card!

Word puzzles

It's not only pictures and drawings they respond well to. Written words are equally exciting and helpful for them, and it becomes easier to practice with them and spell them. Crosswords or puzzles, scrabble; there are so many puzzles that can help them out!

 White board games

Here is an example, practise sentence formation and highlight the adjectives, verbs, objects and subjects in different colors. Since visual learners have an innate love for colors, they're bound to grab concepts faster.

Interactive video sessions

Children have a way with technology, and it’s not just limited to using it. Use videos in classrooms to teach basic concepts that are otherwise harder to grab. The best schools allow the use of tech gadgets, having realized their importance in learning.  While at home, allow your child to use gadgets to watch videos that contribute to their learning!

Use illustrative reading

If you’re trying to foster reading skills in your early age learner, use books with illustrations. Too many words may bore your visual learners out. Use books having pictures and illustrations to grab their interest!

Helpful tips to engage your early-year, visual learner

Take Away!

Although standardised practices in most schools are seldom focused on different learning requirements of children, the best schools recognise the different types of learners in classrooms. Once recognised, teachers can work around their curricula to incorporate the strengths of all types of learners.

If you're a teacher, use the right kind of tools in classrooms to help children learn. Also, if you’re a parent opt for the best British Primary schools in Dubai that focus individually on the strengths of students and help foster learning the best way they can!