Helpful tips to engage your early-year, visual learner!

If you’ve ever come across learners who make it a point to write down any new words they learn or those who are more responsive when they come across visual stimuli, you’ve experienced visual learners first hand!

 Although learning is considered a one track methodology, there are many different types of learners!  Of course, one teaching methodology may not be suitable for everyone, so it’s up to teachers, schools and parents to ensure that the differential learning requirements of children are met.

Early-year visual learners in the classroom may need a little assistance when learning. So, opt for the right learning environment at home, and the best British primary school in Dubai and your child is sure to get the attention they need. The article below highlights how you need to work with visual learners to help them learn.

Helpful tips to engage your early-year, visual learner

How to engage your visual learners in the classroom

The traditional, words and long sentences may not help out when you’re teaching visual learners in your primary classroom. It's not that they don’t understand what's written, it's just that they have different learning requirements just like any other child. Where some students learn better through writing, visual learners learn easily through visuals! Read on to discover how you can help them learn:

Attributes of visual learners:

  • Remember what they see but forget what they hear
  • Enjoy puzzles, board games, crafts
  • Very imaginative individuals and innovative when it comes to problem-solving
  • Learn spellings after writing the words down

 Tips to teach a visual learner:

Use the tips below to teach your visual learner:

Use flashcards

It’s harder for visual learners to grab a concept if it's taught using flashcards.  Since flash cards are versatile teaching tools, there’s a lot that can be done using them!  New vocabulary, knowledge design or reviews, a lot can be learnt by flashing a flash card!

Word puzzles

It's not only pictures and drawings they respond well to. Written words are equally exciting and helpful for them, and it becomes easier to practice with them and spell them. Crosswords or puzzles, scrabble; there are so many puzzles that can help them out!

 White board games

Here is an example, practise sentence formation and highlight the adjectives, verbs, objects and subjects in different colors. Since visual learners have an innate love for colors, they're bound to grab concepts faster.

Interactive video sessions

Children have a way with technology, and it’s not just limited to using it. Use videos in classrooms to teach basic concepts that are otherwise harder to grab. The best schools allow the use of tech gadgets, having realized their importance in learning.  While at home, allow your child to use gadgets to watch videos that contribute to their learning!

Use illustrative reading

If you’re trying to foster reading skills in your early age learner, use books with illustrations. Too many words may bore your visual learners out. Use books having pictures and illustrations to grab their interest!

Helpful tips to engage your early-year, visual learner

Take Away!

Although standardised practices in most schools are seldom focused on different learning requirements of children, the best schools recognise the different types of learners in classrooms. Once recognised, teachers can work around their curricula to incorporate the strengths of all types of learners.

If you're a teacher, use the right kind of tools in classrooms to help children learn. Also, if you’re a parent opt for the best British Primary schools in Dubai that focus individually on the strengths of students and help foster learning the best way they can!