Tips to enhance student’s participation in classrooms

Have you ever seen a classroom rubric where there is a certain percentage dedicated to class participation? Yes, that is an essential part of learning. The participation level will show the way course and its interest in learning. Active learning is necessary for education and class participation can enhance the overall productivity of the students.

The teachers have to help students work well in the participation of the students. There are a number of ways teachers can induce that so that they can have a great time in learning.  This is because when the students are learning passively, then they are not properly getting the knowledge.


The ways you can enhance the participation in the classrooms are not out of this world, but the simple formula is to help students stay engaged so that they have a high interest in what teacher is saying. International schools across the globe, such as the UK curriculum schools in Dubai are trying to have students who are active in classrooms.


Handy tips for improving class participation among students


Being a teacher if you are confused about the ways to enhance the participation of students in the classrooms, in that case, check out this article for more ideas.

Handy tips for improving class participation among students:

You might have the students who are not speaking a lot, so it is time to help them overcome this situation in the best possible scenario. Forcing them will not help instead, you have to bring them to a level that they are comfortable about participating and even speaking in the classroom. 

Following are some of the easy ways you can simply improve the class participation level of your students:

Plan the activities:

You cannot just go one day thinking that you need to enhance the level of class participation among students. This does not work that way, but instead, you have to plan ahead on the activities and the way they will work for you. This will help you set the right expectations and help the students in meeting those expectations in the right direction. 

Know the names:

One of the most turn off this which students can face is when teachers call them by the wrong name. Names are the identity, and if you want students to be active in classrooms, then you need to know their names by heart. Some names might be difficult to pronounce, but being a teacher, you have to do it nicely and accurately as per the way student like it.


Often students don’t speak in class because they believe they are not heard enough. This makes it hard for them to have an opinion on anything. For enhancing the class participation, students should be able to say what they feel like and this will help them gain more confidence.

Final notes!

Students are learning effectively and being able to express their opinion is an essential part of learning. If you want to improve the class participation of students, then you need to put some efforts just the ways teachers at the UK curriculum schools in Dubai are doing so that they have students who are active learners.


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