Eight cardinal reasons your child cannot concentrate at school

Your child's academic success will seldom be a smooth journey uphill.  Little bumps on the road to academic success are common, and they help keep a balance in the lives of your child.  If your child has always been a chirpy student in class, attentive to the most minor of details, it may be worrisome when your child loses their ability to concentrate in class.

A talk with your child's teachers is mandatory if your child is having difficulty concentrating at home or school.  Teachers at some of the most well reputed and the best British schools in Dubai work believe in working with parents and children in order to solve any problems that your child may be facing in class.

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Reasons why your child can’t concentrate at school:

Working with their teachers is essential to ensure that the road uphill remains smooth and free of bumps. Here’s a list of reasons to cross out when you see a decrease in your child’s ability to concentrate

Lack of understanding

A lack of understanding could be a leading cause in their inability to focus on what's being taught at school. A lack of understanding may arise due to many reasons; language barrier, incompetent teachers, change in curriculum and a teaching methodology that your child isn’t familiar with.

They don’t feel challenged

Some children require their material to be challenging in order to learn. In case the material is too easy, or not of a level that the child finds challenging, the child may lose interest and not participate in classroom activities they way they should be.

 They get distracted by external distractions

Conversations in classrooms and other stimuli are imminent however some children find it hard to filter our external distractions which make it hard for them to concentrate on what is being taught by teachers.

They aren’t motivated to learn

Your child’s ability to concentrate may also arise due to a lack of motivation in them.  Lack of motivation may be due to a number of reasons and needs to be addressed ASAP

Incompatible learning styles

Children have different styles of learning; through seeing, listening and through doing. In case the child is in a classroom emphasising on a different style then they are accustomed to, it may cause the child’s learning to slow down, contributing towards disinterest in studies.

Insufficient sleep

 If your child isn’t getting enough sleep at night, chances are they will be sleeping during class. It is important to make sure that your child not only gets the right kind of sleep but also sticks to their sleep routine (except on weekends).

According to a report, children aged 6-13 years should be getting about 9 to 11 hours of sleep and teenagers should be getting about 8 to 10 hours of sleep daily.

Has problems with organisation

An unorganised school bag, notebook or homework may lead to your child spending a long time looking for the required assignment, classwork or homework. Ensure that your child’s school bag is organised and they know where everything has been placed before they go to sleep at night. Avoid packing their things in the morning as rushed packing may lead them to missing some essentials.

 Has Anxiety related to school

Anxiety levels may soar in classrooms for some children and may be a result of numerous causes.  Stressed out students tend to leave classes and withdraw which may lead to lower grades and a decrease in self-confidence.

Learning difficulties

Last but probably the most important perhaps. Severe problems in classrooms, including continuous disruptions in classrooms, getting distracted and poor grades and the lack of any other foreign stimulus that could be distracting them, indicates the onset of learning difficulty.

In case of extreme behaviour, it’s ideal to schedule an appointment with a specialist dealing in child behaviour. Children with learning disabilities may not belong to normal classrooms and require the need for proper learning methodologies designed for people with learning difficulties.


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Take away!

The mystery behind the reasons causing a decrease in your child’s ability to concentrate must be solved earlier on in life in order to help out your child accordingly. As a parent, you will need to talk to your child in order to determine the reason that may be causing a decrease in their concentration.

Once you’ve inquired about the reasons given above, it’s time to talk to your child's teachers to get a better understanding and their perspective on how they are performing in class,  what may be causing the change and how to help them.

Competent and capable teachers at the Best British schools in Dubai encourage teacher-parent interaction allowing parents to discuss their child’s performance and behaviour at school!  Opt for some of the best schools to ensure that your child receives the amount of individual attention that he deserves!


If your child doesn’t sleep on time here is how to set up a sleeping routine for them - Tips to set up a sleep routine for your child.