Top tips for raising happier kids

There were days when people used to worry less and get happy more often. Happiness was frequent and common when the lives of individuals were simpler. Or maybe they were raised like that?

Yes! Happiness is something that also needs to be taught. Like we learn about social interactions or listening and speaking skills; similarly, ways of leading a happy life are also learned, and schools play a significant role in this regard.

The fast-paced life of The UAE and increasing advancements in the corporate sector have led people in a never-ending race of success. Where parents of children are busy earning money and struggling; they don’t want their kids to be sad and go through the same struggle.

Top tips for raising happier kids

For this reason, parents are badly searching for best British schools in Dubai that focus not only on academic excellence but also provide ways of restoring children’s happiness and success. This article aims to suggest some of the top ways through which schools are ensuring to raise much happier children.

Three ways to impart happiness in students

You might not be aware of the fact that staying happy is the first step to success. Staying grateful and content is a choice that leads to eternal happiness in every walk of life. Excellent grooming along an optimistic and nurturing environment are the significant factors of adopting happiness.

Here are the top three ways to impart happy learning in school-going children.

  • Make them do “little daily chores.”

The purpose of this activity is to familiarise kids with ordinary chores they might encounter in the future. Throwing garbage in trash cans or taking care of the lawn are not just activities for making lives easier; they’re the ways to make the lives of kids better too.

As in the future, kids won’t feel odd doing the dishes and will be happy to take up their responsibilities as schools have been successful in instiling this among their students. So, the primary stage of ensuring happiness is that kids take an interest in little chores as part of school activities.

  • Focus on developing “social skills.”

Good social skills are more about maintaining cordial interactions with people, and socially competent kids tend to be happier as compared to the ones who face social awkwardness. It is quite obvious that we are all a part of society and have to interact with people around us 24/7.

Hence, to ensure that children are comfortable with social interactions and don’t feel attacked in a crowd, the development of their social abilities are essential. Thus, carrying out group activities and encouraging healthy interaction of students with each other at schools is quite significant for raising contented kids.


  • Teach them to form “strong relationships.”

We all are born and blessed with beautiful relationships. Noticeable among them is the bond parents share with their children, or we share with our friends. Although happiness should not be dependent on anyone yet having strong relationships around, you can certainly improve your quality of life.

Hence, focus on throwing light on the significance of relationships. Teachers should try to maintain a cordial and welcoming attitude towards students. The kids should certainly feel comfortable and secure in interacting with them. Not only this, but healthy interaction among students during class activities is sure to contribute towards a happy and successful life.

Want your child to be happy and successful!

Happiness should always be prioritized, and parents should consider looking for schools that are aware of raising happy and prosperous kids that’d lead towards the formation of an optimistic society. In times, where the competitive race have suppressed the satisfaction level of people, Opt for best British school in Dubai, to ensure happy learning of your child.

As happy kids are more likely to succeed in every walk of life!



How to Teach Wellness to Children

Wellness is a hot topic of the twenty-first century. The busy lifestyles of people have forced them to neglect their physical and mental wellness. However, it is essential for their successful and satisfied life. Keeping the importance in view, schools around the world are paying a particular focus on making the children aware of this concept.

The western schools are aware of the responsibility of turning their students into responsible and successful citizens. Therefore, arrange training and workshops which can provide the knowledge and experience of the practical life.

How to Teach Wellness to Children

Caring about one's wellness is the basic step towards being responsible students. The ideology of preferring wellness is flourishing in the Middle Eastern countries as well. The British schools in Dubai are actively engaging their students in different activities that focus on learning about wellness.

Top 4 Ways to Lead Children towards Wellness

Teaching children about wellness is a fundamental step towards a progressive future. They need to learn about ensuring their health and positively contributing to their environment. It is their basic responsibility towards their own self, as well as society.

The following are some of the important ways children can be taught and lead towards ensuring their wellness.

  1. Raise Awareness about Body Care

While growing up, children become fascinated with their bodies. It is quite important to teach about the cleanliness of their bodies. The concept of wellness can be taught by making them aware of germs and bacteria.

They should be taught about the importance of washing hands, keeping their clothes clean, and having short and clean nails. Moreover, they can also be taught how germs can make them ill.

  1. Focus on Importance of Nutrition and Fitness

Another important way of ensuring wellness among children is through their nutrition and eating habits. They should be guided about the importance of having timely three meals a day.

They should also be guided about the importance of drinking milk and fresh juices, instead of depending on unhealthy snacks.

  1. Focus Safety and Emotional Well-Being

Teaching the children about safety and emotional well-being is crucial yet tricky. They need to learn the importance of adopting safe behavior while ensuring their emotional well-being. They should be taught about the importance of ensuring their safety while crossing roads, playing in the park, and going out without parents.

Moreover, children should also be taught about the importance of giving voice to their concerns. They should be taught the difference between suppressing and controlling their feelings.

  1. Responsibility towards Environment

Human beings have a great responsibility towards their environment. Children should be taught about its importance and ensuring its wellbeing. They should be guided about cleaning their surroundings.

They should also be taught about the importance of saving resources like water and not harming plants or animals around them.

Worried about teaching these concepts to children?

If you are based in UAE, you do not need to worry about the training and development of your children. Enroll your child in British schools in Dubai, who will not only actively train your child but also provide your guidelines for ensuring their better personality development.

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All you need to know about curriculum evaluation

Evaluation is a strategic process in which a topic or subject understudy is assessed for its effectiveness as compared to the standard criteria.

So what is curriculum evaluation?

Curriculum evaluation is basically a set of the program in which the quality, effectiveness, and value of the program, product, curriculum or project are determined.

Evaluation of the curriculum is an essential part of the curriculum development which determines the effectiveness of the curriculum and is effective.

British curriculum schools in Dubai provide outclass learning experience for the students enrolled by ensuring that education provided is of high quality and nurture the child.

The curriculum is being evaluated continuously and is carried out to understand if the topics included are appropriate for a particular student group and how it can further be approved.


All you need to know about curriculum evaluation

Goal of curriculum evaluation

There are several objectives of curriculum evaluation such as

  1. Determining the overall outcome of the whole curriculum
  2. This means that what are ultimatums we are going after?
  3. Whether there is some gap which the curriculum is not fulfilling and it needs to be revised
  4. How can the curriculum be improved and what improvising can make it better?

British curriculum schools in Dubai are intending to develop the skills and attitude toward learning as well as raising awareness about fair play, moral values, and self-esteem.

Question to be asked for curriculum evaluation

Before the development of evaluation plan, there are several questions about the curriculum which need to be asked.

  • Is the curriculum suitable in all manners for the group of students it is designed for?
  • Is the content used is best that is out there?
  • Are teachers delivering the topics effectively? Why do we think that curriculum evaluation is essential for this particular class?
  • Lastly, is it serving the purpose it is serving the purpose it is designed for?

Types of curriculum evaluation

There is no standard or hard and fast rule for evaluation of curriculum. Different educationists and scholars have devised various types of curriculum evaluation methods.

Michael John Scriven is an academic specialist, and his work is renowned for theory and practice of evaluation. His work has contributed positively in the field of assessment.

He has presented the curriculum evaluation process into three different types which are a formative evaluation, summative evaluation, and diagnostic evaluation.

Formative evaluation is a type which occurs during the development of the curriculum. The primary purpose is continuous improvement of the educational program, and the evaluation occurs during the development of the program.

This enables the program managers to modify and make changes as they are working on it.

Summative evaluation is a type in which the evaluation occurs when the curriculum is fully implemented. The assessment occurs with reference to content delivery, its objective.

The content delivery methodology opted by British curriculum schools in Dubai is to enrich student with the right kind of self-awareness, sound knowledge, and skills, realizing their talents to their full potential.

In this type, it is rechecked if the objects are fulfilled to what they were expected to do. The lecture style of the teachers and how effectively they can communicate the content to the student is also part of the evaluation.

The success or failure is determined through weekly examinations and feedback from the students to exemplify a few.

Diagnostic evaluation is usually a follow up of the formative evaluation or has the aspects of the formative type. The teacher will play the active role, and they will diagnose the weaknesses of the students and how the curriculum can be used to address those weaknesses.

The teacher will also devise a diagnostic test which will engage students and help them overcome their weaknesses. The examples of diagnostic tests are interviews, discussion sessions, performance test, self-rating, and others.

Side note - sometimes the evaluation does not fall into one single type but is a mix of more than one time.

To conclude

Evaluation is critical to any project and program as well as curriculum. The primary purpose of the evaluation is to determine the effectiveness of the program and also to know if it is delivering the information and knowledge it is supposed to, or it is intended to.


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How to Nurture Multitasking Among the Students

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How to Nurture Multitasking Among the Students

Gone are the days when students were confined to learning a single skill to live a better life – the time is for having essential skills to handle multitasking. The world is transforming rapidly, thanks to the technology that has given rise to deal with the ever-emerging challenges.

Owing to this, advanced societies have already started paying attention to groom the skills of the students. It is done because globalization has increased cultural diversity in countries like the UAE.  Therefore, various educational institutions, mainly the British curriculum schools in Dubai, incorporate multitasking as the desired skill among the students for better learning.

However, teachers are mainly responsible for helping the students, and so the blog is written to give a few essential tips for teachers and parents.

Top Tips to Teach the Skills Multitasking To the Students

Top Tips to Teach the Skills Multitasking To the Students

Nevertheless, multitasking is generally associated with technology gadgets performing more than one task simultaneously. However, the term is rapidly getting fame in human lives because of growing requirements to accomplish tasks and activities of daily life.

Let’s consider a few tips to improve multitasking skills among the students:

Help students create “To Do” lists

It may sound straightforward at first but complicated tasks because “To Do” list enables the students to get to know everything they are required to perform in specified time duration.

Looming deadlines is not a choice because students get lazy, and they become unable to carry on educational tasks and activities in time.  Therefore, the teachers should help the students to carry out their functions in time using the timetable and working lists.

Assist them in devising work strategies

Teachers are the one who helps the students to manage their academic tasks in time. It can be done by assisting the students in designing comprehensive work management strategies. It is because students might face difficulty in accomplishing their classroom activities comprehensively as they are required to do.

For this reason, teachers, as well as the parents, should work in collaboration with students to help them manage their work in time.

Help the students to set priorities

Prioritization of work is something crucial for the students. However, it is the trickiest also. Therefore, the teachers are responsible for helping the students to analyze the tasks based on their urgency and then accomplish all tasks accordingly.

For this reason, it is essential to assist the students in setting their work priorities as they will learn to adjust their work accordingly over time.

Assist them in avoiding disruptions

It is imperative to keep the students engaged in learning during the classrooms because they can get distracted easily. So, teachers should consider different ways to assure the active involvement of the students in the learning activities to help them perform multitasking smoothly.

For this, devising different learning tasks can help the students to remain actively involved in studies for performing better. Keeping the same in mind, the British curriculum schools in Dubai train their teachers for creating an engaging environment in the classroom. So, parents prefer to enroll their kids in international schools for the comprehensiveness of education.

Final thought

Summing up the discussion, multitasking is the primary need of the modern-day world. Owing to this, educational institutions should foster the skills of multitasking among the students through classroom guidance and curriculum designing.

Not only this, parents are equally responsible for nurturing comprehensive skills among the students. So, they should get in touch with the teachers to mitigate the barriers in the ways of their kids' learning!


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Tips to enhance student’s participation in classrooms

Have you ever seen a classroom rubric where there is a certain percentage dedicated to class participation? Yes, that is an essential part of learning. The participation level will show the way course and its interest in learning. Active learning is necessary for education and class participation can enhance the overall productivity of the students.

The teachers have to help students work well in the participation of the students. There are a number of ways teachers can induce that so that they can have a great time in learning.  This is because when the students are learning passively, then they are not properly getting the knowledge.


The ways you can enhance the participation in the classrooms are not out of this world, but the simple formula is to help students stay engaged so that they have a high interest in what teacher is saying. International schools across the globe, such as the UK curriculum schools in Dubai are trying to have students who are active in classrooms.


Handy tips for improving class participation among students


Being a teacher if you are confused about the ways to enhance the participation of students in the classrooms, in that case, check out this article for more ideas.

Handy tips for improving class participation among students:

You might have the students who are not speaking a lot, so it is time to help them overcome this situation in the best possible scenario. Forcing them will not help instead, you have to bring them to a level that they are comfortable about participating and even speaking in the classroom. 

Following are some of the easy ways you can simply improve the class participation level of your students:

Plan the activities:

You cannot just go one day thinking that you need to enhance the level of class participation among students. This does not work that way, but instead, you have to plan ahead on the activities and the way they will work for you. This will help you set the right expectations and help the students in meeting those expectations in the right direction. 

Know the names:

One of the most turn off this which students can face is when teachers call them by the wrong name. Names are the identity, and if you want students to be active in classrooms, then you need to know their names by heart. Some names might be difficult to pronounce, but being a teacher, you have to do it nicely and accurately as per the way student like it.


Often students don’t speak in class because they believe they are not heard enough. This makes it hard for them to have an opinion on anything. For enhancing the class participation, students should be able to say what they feel like and this will help them gain more confidence.

Final notes!

Students are learning effectively and being able to express their opinion is an essential part of learning. If you want to improve the class participation of students, then you need to put some efforts just the ways teachers at the UK curriculum schools in Dubai are doing so that they have students who are active learners.


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Why should school and parents work together?

While the teachers and parents have the same intended goal, i.e. the development and success of the child, therefore, they must collaborate for achieving common ends.

Thus, the communication is necessary as it provides them with a facility to work together and get to know each other’s aspirations in a better way.

Technological advancement in the UAE has facilitated communication between the school facility and the parents.

 This is beneficial for both stakeholders to communicate on a regular basis to ensure that their children’s academic, intellectual and social needs are met.

 And, it is undeniable that educational success is possible only when each of your child’s needs is met.

Why should school and parents work together

British primary schools in Dubai work on this principle. They take parents as a critical stakeholder in the child’s learning and development.

Here are the top reasons why should school take parents on board to achieve common goals:

  • Parents are the first teachers

The prime reason for encouraging parents’ participation in the process is that learning is facilitated in the home environment.

If the home environment does not support academic learning and social development, an institution alone cannot do any good to your child.

So, both stakeholders have equal responsibility, and parents somehow share more burden of responsibility as per the saying:

“Learning begins at home.”

  • To know other party’s perspective

When both parents and teachers are provided with an opportunity to listen and interact with each other: they become aware of each other's perspective.

And, this is crucial to know the other party’s aspirations.

Once the aspirations are identified, it would be easier to work on these aspects.

  • To learn where the child needs support

We never want our child to struggle in the academic or social area. Therefore, early intervention is crucial to keep issues from brewing.

Parents can play their role here by reviewing their kid’s homework and report cards.

They must not be only concerned with their academic grades but also ask his teacher to check on social and behavioral development.

If the child is facing fear or social anxiety, both parents and the British primary schools in Dubai must work together to alleviate these social disorders.

  • To value each stakeholder

A partnership means that both stakeholders are on equal footings and work together.  They have specific roles and responsibilities toward a shared goal.

Unfortunately, most of the times information is exchanged between the school and the parents, but the power is not shared.

This school-directed communication is not a rational approach because a key to a genuine partnership is equality.

Take Home message!

Not all kids feel comfortable in a school setting. Reliable research points out that above 20 per cent of kids feel bored at school and show school refusal behaviors.

Sometimes, parents in the UAE put the entire blame on the school because they consider this to be an institution’s responsibility. And, even get a feeling that the school is passing judgment on their brought up if the school involves them in the matter.

But, that must not be the case. Parents and teachers must work in collaboration to resolve all the tough matters together.

British primary schools in Dubai provide an opportunity for both parties to sit together and devise working solutions together. 

As the ultimate concern for both the school and the home is to help kids become responsible, safe and prosperous, therefore it is a rational approach to work together.


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Rules And Regulations To Know Before Moving With Your Children To Dubai

This guide will provide expats with the basic information they need regarding the laws that govern schools in Dubai, before they immigrate to the city with their families.

Schools in Dubai are governed by the UAE Ministry of Education, which has established standard rules and regulations for the registration process that every institute in the city must follow.

While these rules can be found on Ministry’ website, we still recommend that you get the information confirmed by the administrative staff at any school you contact.

Rules & Regulations to Know before Moving with Children to Dubai

Rules & Regulations to Know before Moving with Children to Dubai

Let’s begin the guide. There are 3 things you need to be aware of:

Legal age for admissions

Every child in the UAE is legally required to be in school before they are 6 years old, but some institutions that follow international curriculums do accept children aged 3 years and 8 months and above.

In case of the UK curriculum, the best British schools in Dubai allow admissions from the age of 3 years.

Starting dates

There are two starting dates for all private and public institutions in the city, depending upon the choice of the curriculum they follow.

Indian, Pakistani, and Japanese sessions start in April, while the rest begin in September.

If you move to the city while an academic year is already underway, it is possible to gain admission during the first and second terms, but not the third.

The current second term started on 7th of January, 2018, and will last till March 25th, before the students get their spring break. Classes for the third term will begin from April 8th.

Transfer certificate

All parents moving to Dubai are required to provide a “Transfer Certificate” from their child’s previous academic institution.

This letter, prepared by the principle, must include the following details:

  • The child’s attendance records
  • The date and class/grade at which they started studying at the school
  • The date and class/grade at which they left
  • Whether the child was promoted to the next class or not, if they left at the end of an academic year.

The transfer certificate will need to be stamped by the previous institution, legally translated into both Arabic and English, and attested by all the relevant authorities in Dubai.

Keep in mind that this certificate will only be valid for 30 days, and you’ll need to get a residence visa and Emirates ID card before you can register your child in the desired school.

Therefore, we recommend that you start the process while you’re still in your home country, and only have the transfer certificate made when you’re sure that all other legal matters have been taken care of.


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